Caribbean Development Bank Strengthens Corporate Governance
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The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) is moving to further strengthen corporate governance and improve transparency by issuing its third annual development effectiveness report and expanding its channels for access to information as it seeks to fully implement its Information Disclosure Policy.
Over the next eighteen months, CDB will be developing an information disclosure programme with the assistance of a consultant experienced in these matters. The programme will focus on the elements necessary for effectively implementing the Policy including internal and external training and awareness, establishing appropriate governance and operational structures and modifying the architecture of the corporate website to facilitate the posting of documents approved for public disclosure.
"As custodians of public funds, we are committed to the principles and practice of: responsible disclosure, transparency and access to information. We are keen on creating an efficient system that will allow easy access to information and timely response to queries," said Mrs. Yvette Lemonias-Seale, Vice-President (Corporate Services) and Bank Secretary.
At its annual meeting on May 28 and 29, in Georgetown Guyana, the Bank will present its development effectiveness report for the consideration of Directors. The document will subsequently be made available to the public.
The Development Effectiveness Review 2013 is the third annual report on the Bank's corporate performance. The Review assesses the Bank's performance in relation to the targets set out in its results monitoring framework (RMF) over the period 2010 to 2014, and provides insights into its contribution to the sustainable development of its BMCs. The RMF was created to guide and measure progress in achieving results in the Bank's five strategic objectives of:
• promoting broad-based economic growth and social development • supporting environmental sustainability and disaster risk management (DRM) • promoting good governance • fostering regional cooperation and integration (RCI) • enhancing organisation efficiency and effectiveness
"The Report is a valuable signpost in relation to areas for improvement, growth and strengthening. Our team is eager to identify and implement ways of improving efficiency and delivering results, and the findings provide clear indicators of the effectiveness with which we are delivering our mandate," Mrs. Lemonias-Seale said.