
CDB and UNOPS sign agreement to strengthen cooperation

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The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) and the United Nations Office for Projects Services (UNOPS) have signed an agreement that provides a framework to improve cooperation between the two entities. The signing took place at the Bank' headquarters in Barbados on February 7, 2017.
The agreement allows CDB to utilize expertise from UNOPS in the execution of specific projects, which the Bank is funding, so that the most effective outcomes for the Bank' 19 borrowing member countries are achieved. Under the agreement, UNOPS may be called upon to provide technical advice, financial management, project management and technical infrastructure support for projects financed by CDB, where external support is needed.
There is also expected to be an exchange of knowledge and information relating to sustainable actions and social responsibility.
Vice-President Operations at CDB, Patricia McKenzie signed on behalf of the Bank.
“In keeping with the Sustainable Development Goal 17: Strengthen the Means of Implementation and Revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development, this agreement facilitates the collaboration between CDB and UNOPS and provides for mutual cooperation in our respective areas of action and knowledge. This strategic alliance will benefit the recipients of CDB financing and UNOPS' partners, and will enhance our project implementation, ultimately reducing inequality and the incidence of extreme poverty." McKenzie said.
Giuseppe Mancinelli, Deputy Regional Director, Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, signed on behalf of UNOPS.
“This Framework represents a natural synergy between CDB and UNOPS and complements both mandate to promote social and economic growth in Caribbean region. UNOPS, through its experience in sustainable infrastructure, procurement and project management, will support CDB and Member Countries to expand their operational capacity by contributing to inclusive and sustainable growth and development and to ultimately improve people' lives," he said.
The CDB team at the signing also included Director, Projects, Daniel Best; General Counsel, Diana Wilson Patrick; Deputy General Counsel, S. Nicole Jordan; Head of Procurement, Douglas Fraser; and Division Chief, Economic Infrastructure Division, L. O'Reilly Lewis.
Director for Central America and the Caribbean, Ingar Olsen and Portfolio Manager, Djibrilla Mazin represented UNOPS.

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