Technical Assistance – Climate Systems, Techniques and Resources for Improved Decision-making, Education and Sustainability - Regional
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It is proposed that CDB approve a grant to UWI, Mona of an amount not exceeding the equivalent of nine hundred and eighty-three thousand, eight hundred and eighty-six United States dollars (USD983,886), from CDB’s SFR allocated from resources provided under the CARE Programme to finance the implementation of the Climate STRIDES (The Project). The Project financing will cover consultancy services, and the procurement of goods and services required for designing and publishing the updated SOCC Report, and develop educational materials, knowledge products, and decision-support tools on CC. These initiatives aim to improve climate resilience decision-making, increase awareness about CC risks and impacts, and promote climate-smart attitudes, actions, and practices.

The expected outcomes of the project are:
(a) Improved capacities for well-informed decision-making in climate resilience; and
(b) Enhanced climate-smart attitudes, actions, and practices within specific Caribbean demographics, including youth and individuals with special needs.