Sep 25 - Oct 09 2024
Time zone


SheTrades Caribbean Hub Online Webinars- Grow Beyond the Caribbean with E-commerce

Sep 10, 2024

Join our series of webinars to learn about global trade, international logistics and building a sustainable business.

Mark your calendars for the three informative sessions, which will take place from 10:00 am to 11:30 am EST.

  • The Art of Logistics | 25 September, 2024
  • Navigating Customs | 2 October, 2024
  • Finance basics | 9 October, 2024

Presented by the Caribbean Development Bank, International Trade Centre and DHL.

Join the SheTrades Caribbean Hub and Register for these free webinars.


image of black woman entrepreneur at work with details on event on page and yellow overlay

image of black woman entrepreneur at work with details on event on page and yellow overlay

image of black woman entrepreneur at work with details on event on page and yellow overlay

image of black woman entrepreneur at work with details on event on page and yellow overlay


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