The Contribution of Copyright-Based Industries to the Economy of JAMAICA
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This report aims to update estimates of the contribution of copyright industries to the Jamaican economy, as published by WIPO in James (2007). The 2005 study did not document the contributions to trade, productivity or Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita. Therefore, in addition to updated data on the contribution to GDP and employment, this report will provide estimates of copyright contributions to trade, productivity and development as measured by GDP per capita. Some key policy implications of the updated estimates will also be provided.

Table of contents


Copyright Law in Jamaica

Economic Background

Updates to the Profile of the Jamaican Copyright Sector

  • Some Institutional Developments
  • Press and Literature
  • Music
  • Photography


The Contribution of Copyright-Based Industries to GDP,
Employment and Trade

The Contribution of Copyright-Based Industries to
Productivity and Development

Summary and Policy Perspectives for the Copyright Industries