Bidding Document for Works - Design and Build (One Stage, Two Envelopes)

This Standard Bidding Document (SBD) for the “Procurement of Works (Design and Build) One-Stage Process” has been prepared by the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) to be used for the procurement of contractor design and build works through International Competitive Bidding (ICB) on projects that are financed in whole or in part by CDB. 

If it has been determined that a two-stage process would be more appropriate, then the corresponding SBD for a two-stage process should be applied.  Both SBDs assume that prequalification has been carried out, which should normally be the case for an ICB Works (Design and Build) selection method.  If specific circumstances do not require the need for prequalification, then the relevant provisions of these SBDs should be modified accordingly.

This SBD for the Procurement of Works (Design and Build) One-Stage Process is based on the Master Bidding Document for the Procurement of Works (Design and Build) One-Stage Process, prepared by the Multilateral Development Banks and International Financing Institutions.  This SBD reflect the structure and the provisions of the aforementioned Master Bidding Documents, except where specific considerations within CDB have required a change.

If the user has questions regarding the use of this SBD, the Bank's Procurement Policy Unit should be consulted.