Projectnaam Sector Land Goedkeuring
Essex Valley Agricultural Development Project Agriculture Jamaica
Street and Flood Light Retrofitting Project Power, Energy and Water Saint Kitts and Nevis
Enhancement of Immigration Services Other Multisector Barbados
Barbados Water Supply Network Upgrade Project Power, Energy and Water Barbados
Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development (Phase II) Other Social Infrastructure and Services Haiti
Développement de l’Enseignement et de la formation technique et professionnelle (Phase II) Other Social Infrastructure and Services Haiti
Constitution River Flood Mitigation Project Environmental Sustainability Barbados
Fifth Road (Philip S. W. Goldson Highway Upgrading, Road Safety Improvement and Climate Adaptation) Project Transport and Communication Belize
Speightstown Flood Mitigation Project Environmental Sustainability Barbados
UWI Open Campus Development Project Other Social Infrastructure and Services Regional