Projectnaam Sector Land Type Winnende bod
HOPE HILL TO SABBATH HILL SLOPE STABILIZATION AND ROAD REHABILITATION Construction British Virgin Islands Works BVI Quality Construction Limited

LEARNING MATERIALS/EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES/YCT SECURITY CAMERAS Education Belize Goods Belize Champion Security Systems Limited

THE EXPANSION OF THE PRESENTATION BROTHER’S COLLEGE Construction Grenada Works Grenada Kenny’s Trucking & Equipment Services Limited

XCD $3,997,356.51
REHABILITATION AND EXPANSION OF THE BISHOPS COLLEGE Construction Grenada Works Trinidad & Tobago Hanover Construction Company Limited

XCD $9,088,397.29
REHABILITATION AND EXPANSION OF THE GRENADA SDA COMPREHENSIVE Construction Grenada Works Grenada Kenny’s Trucking & Equipment Services Limited

XCD $7,262,330.09
Energy Efficiency and Solar PV Plant Inspection and Certification Energy generation, distribution and efficiency Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Consultancy Trinidad & Tobago Ancile Brewster Cons Ltd & D2F Technical Ltd

EDUCATION QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Education Saint Lucia Consultancy Multiple Contracts

Multiple Contracts
Union River Defense and Training Works 􀂱 Lauders - Lowmans Construction Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Works St. Vincent and the Grenadines- Franco Construction Ltd

XCD 1, 484,645.83
Yambou and Teviot River Defense and Training Works - Mesopotamia Construction Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Works St. Vincent and the Grenadines- Franco Construction Ltd

XCD 3,425,634.79
Rehabilitation of Ferguson Mountain Road Construction Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Works St. Vincent and the Grenadines- Franco Construction Ltd

XCD 3,434,844.49