
USD12.3 mn to enhance the TVET education system in Guyana

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In Guyana, there is growing demand for a workforce with specialized skills, as well as a need to increase sustainable employment opportunities for Guyanese. To address this, the Government of Guyana has received funding of USD12.3 mn from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), to enhance access to, and improve the quality and effectiveness of, the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) system in Guyana.
“This project will assist the Government of Guyana in increasing economic competitiveness, and creating a labour force that can meet the demand for specialised skills in emerging sectors like Tourism and hospitality. We believe that strengthening the education sector, and particularly the TVET sector, provides an excellent opportunity to broaden social inclusion of men and women, people with disabilities, and indigenous peoples," said Daniel Best, Director, Projects Department, CDB.
The Project has several components, including enhancing the TVET teaching and learning environment; improving the quality, relevance and effectiveness of TVET instruction; strengthening capacity within the sub-sector; and enhancing second-chance opportunities for at-risk and unskilled learners.
Enhanced learning environment
This component will focus on improvement of the physical infrastructure, the provision of furniture, equipment, and teaching and learning resources to meet facility standards required for Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) Levels I and II. Refurbishment and expansion works will be done at seven secondary level facilities, including the provision of furniture, equipment and learning materials, and renewable energy and energy efficiency retrofitting of existing infrastructure.
Improving the quality, relevance and effectiveness of TVET instruction
TVET systems are complex, and teachers need to be trained in methods of teaching that include educating diverse learners, and those with an interest in entrepreneurship. Through this component, approximately 180 TVET teachers will benefit from continuing professional development, and diploma- and degree-level training to enhance instructional quality in specific areas of need.
Strengthening the capacity of the sub-sector
An integrated TVET system must be supported by government and key stakeholders. Under this component, up to 500 teachers, principals, Ministry of Education officers and industry experts will benefit from training and professional development in specific areas needed to enhance governance and management of the TVET sub-sector. There will also be a review of the TVET sub-sector and the Special Educational Needs Policy framework.
Enhanced second-chance opportunities and entrepreneurship skills development
This component will support a comprehensive review and enhancement of the country' continuing education programmes. It will include activity training for up to 200 persons to develop their entrepreneurship capacity and expose them to innovative work-readiness strategies, and the distribution of start-up kits to trainees with an interest in business development and entrepreneurship.
The project will be implemented over a five-year period. It is consistent with CDB' strategic objective of supporting inclusive and sustainable growth and development, and CDB' corporate priority of improving the quality of, and access to, education and training and citizen security.

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