Project Cycle Management -A Cornerstone of Implementation and Delivery
St. George's

It is a pleasure to welcome you to this CDB-sponsored Project Cycle Management Conference, entitled A Cornerstone of Implementation and Delivery. I also wish to say a special thank you to Prime Minister Mitchell, whose Government has partnered with CDB to host this Conference.
At some time during the deliberations during the next two days, you the participants must find time to take in and enjoy the beauty of the Spice Isle and the well-known hospitality of the people of Grenada.
Today’s event marks a significant milestone. We have reached the end of CDB’s Public Policy Analysis and Project Cycle Management Training programme. Our aim was to improve the management, monitoring and implementation of policies, programmes and projects across our Region.
I am pleased to report that, over the past two years, we have delivered this training in all of our 19 Borrowing Member Countries (BMCs), and engaged directly with more than 2,000 civil servants in face-to-face training. We have also provided materials so that BMCs can administer similar training to additional staff at the national level.
But it does not stop there.We will also be offering on-line courses to sustain the momentum and reinforce the training.
CDB acknowledges that implementation of development projects is a major challenge across our Region. Slow implementation hinders the delivery of tangible development results to our populations.
Through this training programme, the Bank has been promoting, the use of new frameworks and tools to facilitate innovative approaches to speedier project implementation. We envisage that such changes will accelerate progress towards the attainment of countries’ development goals, including significant reductions in poverty and inequality.
CDB has been an important development partner and contributed to the development gains made in our Region over the past 50 years. We have been providing financing, as well as policy and other technical support in areas that have made a real difference to improving lives in all of our BMCs. Project cycle management training, which dates back to the 1980s, has been an extremely vital element of this support.
However, we must also acknowledge that, as the external environment in which we are operating becomes more complex, our BMCs are being challenged to pursue stronger, smarter and better policies.
Further, all of our BMCs have signed onto to the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. In order to achieve the associated global development targets, our Countries must embrace a new transformational agenda that is focussed on building resilience and sustainability across the Board.
CDB is committed to assisting its BMCs to meet the SDG commitments within the required timeframe.
We are currently in the process of developing our new Strategic Plan for the period 2020-2024. The new Strategy, which will be anchored on the SDGs, will lay out a pathway for CDB to respond in a more comprehensive and coordinated manner to the changing needs of its clients. At its core will be more integrated approaches that promote increased sustainability and heighten development impact.
In addition, we will deepen our support in areas that will drive the transformation of our Region. For example, the role of digital technology to improve delivery of public services to our citizens will be an important areas of focus for the Bank. We will also be providing support for leadership development to drive the process.
These approaches will be supported by cross-cutting themes of gender equality, good governance, regional cooperation and integration, while providing innovative financial products and instruments to better respond to the changing demands of our BMCs.
There are huge challenges ahead for our Region. To overcome them, we need to build capacity and partnerships that are based on sharing knowledge and best practices and embracing digital transformation. Herein lies the importance of today’s Conference.
This Conference offers an excellent forum for the sharing of development experiences, lessons and knowledge from across the Region. It also allows us to share with you information on the new project cycle management tools and best practices for a 21st century Caribbean region. We are hoping for active participation and enriching discussions.
In closing, let me thank you all for attending this important knowledge-sharing event and to wish everyone enjoyable and engaging discussions over the next two days.
Thank you.