
OECS e-Government Grant

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December 9, 2010 No. 52/10-BD OECS e-GOVERNMENT TO GET CDB GRANT The e-Government for Regional Integration Project (EGRIP) of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) is to receive a Technical Assistance grant equivalent to USD2.5 million from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB). e-Government refers to the use of information and communication technologies to improve the activities of public sector organisations. The three main areas relate to improving government processes, improving governments' connection with citizens and building external interactions with other institutions. OECS member countries face a number of common challenges as they seek to survive and grow in a harsh competitive global environment. The sub-region is seeking to reinvigorate and sustain growth, in order to reduce high unemployment and poverty rates, restore fiscal and debt sustainability and diversify the economy. The OECS project is designed to promote the efficiency, quality and transparency of public services through the delivery of regionally integrated e-Government applications that take advantage of economies of scale. It takes account of the attention already being paid to public sector reform, and addresses the introduction or upgrade of systems and the revision of underlying policies and practices.

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