
Lack of comprehensive data on Gender-Based Violence in the Region

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Despite efforts by key Ministries and authorities, there is a lack of comprehensive national data on incidences of gender-based violence (GBV) across the region. This has remained a key issue when seeking to determine the scope of the problem, its effect on social and economic development, as well as appreciate policy responses. Recently, the Board of Directors of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), approved the sum of USD514,996 to strengthen data collection on GBV, with specific focus on Grenada.
The project will be implemented in partnership with UN Women, and will see the adaptation and national piloting of the CARICOM Model on National Prevalence Surveys on GBV in Grenada. The CARICOM survey model collects data on the frequency of GBV against women, and also highlights the consequences for women, their children and families, and risk and protective factors for violence. This information can directly inform service provision and prevention strategies.
“Gender based violence does not only affect the victim - it also affects society as a whole. Effects include increased public spending on social service, such as police and judicial costs, as well as a decrease in productivity. There are also physical and mental health implications. It is therefore vitally important that we gain a better understanding of this issue, so the policy discourse and preventative measures put in place are based on the full and accurate picture of the situation," said Deidre Clarendon, Social Sector Division Chief, CDB.
The Project will also have a capacity development element, where regional statistics and research experts will participate in training of field workers in Grenada. This will create a cadre of regional experts, knowledgeable of the methodology and tools and capacities required for fielding the survey. In addition, with CDB' financial support, UN Women will also implement a Regional Training of Trainers which will be conducted in the latter part of 2016 to ensure sustainability and knowledge transfer.
It is expected that upon completion of this project, there will be enhanced technical capacity at the regional level to collect systematic data on GBV in the Region, as well as improved statistics on GBV in Grenada.
CDB remains committed to enhancing gender equality in its Borrowing Member Countries, and recently published Country Gender Assessments for six Caribbean countries, as well as a synthesis report. The synthesis report is a compilation of data from 10 Caribbean countries, and aims to provide a situational analysis of gender equality in the BMCs, to inform national budgeting, planning and programming.

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