
Grant for Meteorological Data

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May 23, 2011 No. 18/11-BD CDB TO PROVIDE GRANT FOR DIGITIZING METEOROLOGICAL DATA The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) will provide the Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH) with a grant equivalent to USD 291,500, lending its support to a project which will help its borrowing member countries address disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation issues. This financing will allow CIMH to rescue and digitize historic meteorological and hydrological datasets, and to establish an electronic database to securely archive the data. It will also facilitate the access and exchange of data between the Institute and its member countries. An electronic hydro-meteorological database archived at CIMH will allow it to better fulfil its mandate to its member countries. The grant will finance activities that include short-term specialised consultancy services for data rescue, design, population and maintenance of the database, initial IT operational support and the purchase of the required hardware and software. CIMH was formed in 1987 with the amalgamation of the Caribbean Meteorological Institute and the Caribbean Operational Hydrology Institute, to carry out training and research in meteorology and hydrology for the Region. May 23, 2011 No. 18/11-BD CDB TO PROVIDE GRANT FOR DIGITIZING METEOROLOGICAL DATA The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) will provide the Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH) with a grant equivalent to USD 291,500, lending its support to a project which will help its borrowing member countries address disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation issues. This financing will allow CIMH to rescue and digitize historic meteorological and hydrological datasets, and to establish an electronic database to securely archive the data. It will also facilitate the access and exchange of data between the Institute and its member countries. An electronic hydro-meteorological database archived at CIMH will allow it to better fulfil its mandate to its member countries. The grant will finance activities that include short-term specialised consultancy services for data rescue, design, population and maintenance of the database, initial IT operational support and the purchase of the required hardware and software. CIMH was formed in 1987 with the amalgamation of the Caribbean Meteorological Institute and the Caribbean Operational Hydrology Institute, to carry out training and research in meteorology and hydrology for the Region.

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