Government of Belize Leading by Example with Defensive Driving Training Initiative
The Government of Belize is leading by example with its recently launched defensive driving training initiative for persons driving Government vehicles. The defensive driving training is one of several programmes to be implemented under the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) funded Road Safety Project which was launched in March of this year.
On July 25 and 26, 2013, approximately 20 Government drivers participated in the two-day Defensive Driving Course which included classroom lectures and practical exercises at the Belize Institute of Management, Belize City. During the training, areas such as the values and characteristics of a good defensive driver, the principles of collision prevention, and effective driving techniques for hazardous road conditions were addressed.
In addition, as part of the Road Safety Project, on July 18 and 19, 2013, over 60 traffic enforcement officers, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Education and the Press Office, successfully completed introductory road safety training.
The Road Safety Project is the first phase of what is expected to be a long-term initiative by the Government of Belize to improve road safety. The Project focuses on five objectives: improving the safety of road infrastructure; improving road user awareness of safety; improving driver behaviour and adherence to traffic laws; improving post-crash care; and improving the capacity to manage road safety.
The Government of Belize has received USD7.2 million in loan financing from the CDB towards the cost of the Belize Road Safety Project and is contributing a further USD1.6 million.
CAPTION: The initial participants in the Government of Belize's recently launched defensive driving training initiative for persons driving Government vehicles.