
Country Strategy for Grenada

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October 14, 2009No. 24/09 - BD NEWS RELEASE CDB BOARD APPROVES COUNTRY STRATEGY FOR GRENADA The Board of Directors of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) has approved a Country Strategy for Grenada which outlines the Bank's assistance strategy for that country over the period 2009-2011. This document is consistent with the development priorities identified by the Government of Grenada, and was prepared following discussions with public and private sector officials in Grenada, as well as the development partners in the Region. CDB's strategic focus will continue to support the Grenada government in laying the groundwork for broad-based growth and poverty reduction. The country strategy will focus on four broad critical results areas which would support the government in maintaining macroeconomic stability and cope with increased macroeconomic uncertainty; enhancing inclusive social development; improving the business environment; and reducing vulnerabilities and promoting environmental sustainability. The CDB country strategy will assist Grenada in maintaining the impetus of reform being undertaken by the government by providing access to concessional, long-term financing to support the priority spending during the global crisis, and to expand investments to advance sustainable development.

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