
Climate Change Adaptation

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October 13, 2011 No. 31/11-BD CDB APPROVES CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION PROJECT GRANT The Board of Directors of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) has approved a grant equivalent to USD470,250 to the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre to enable the Centre to establish a Project Development Unit. This unit will assist the Centre in building its capacity to coordinate the effective implementation of the climate change strategy and the associated implementation plan of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), as well as to provide technical support to the CARICOM member states to support the implementation of appropriate climate change responses. The CDB project will focus on providing the services of a consultant to manage the Project Development Unit, preparation of a pipeline of priority climate change adaptation investment projects for member states, and the development of tools and guidance resources. CDB support to the Centre is part of a wider programme of assistance to the Centre by the development community.

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