
CDB Equipping Itself to Implement GEPOS

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The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) has issued an invitation to individuals with technical expertise in gender equality to sign on to the Bank's roster of gender consultants to support the Bank's implementation of its Gender Equality Policy and Operational Strategy (GEPOS). The Bank has identified 19 specific interest areas from within its spheres of activity including: Infrastructure/ Public Infrastructure and Service Delivery; Education and Training; Poverty/ Poverty Analysis; Citizen Security and Gender-Based Violence; and Management for Development Results/ Monitoring and Evaluation. Dr. Carolina Ferracini, Operations Officer - Gender and Development, CDB, explained that the roster will also be utilised as a database for consultants to provide gender expertise to assist in the implementation of the Bank's Strategic Plan, Special Development Fund and related programmes and projects. She also encouraged persons to share information about the roster invitation within their networks. Interested, eligible, qualified applicants are encouraged to review the Invitation and submit their application online on or before Thursday, October 31, 2013. PIX CAPTION: CDB is preparing to implement its Gender Equality Policy and Operational Strategy (GEPOS).

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