
Book Launch

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December 7, 2010 No. 47/10-G CDB TO LAUNCH BOOK ON GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) will host the official launch of a publication entitled Growth and Development Strategies for the Caribbean at the Bank's Headquarters on Thursday, December 9, 2010. This publication comprises papers commissioned from Caribbean experts such as Prof. Selwyn Ryan, Prof. Vaughan Lewis and Prof. Norman Girvan. The various chapters appraise the main strategies for economic growth and development pursued by the countries in recent times; are sector-wide in coverage with attention to agriculture, manufacturing, Tourism and mining; and incorporate regional integration and governance. There is also treatment of labour markets, migrant remittances, crime and natural environment. Director of the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies, Professor Andrew Downes, is also one of the contributors to the publication. He will speak at Thursday's launch, as well as Director of CDB's Economics Department, Dr. Denny Lewis-Bynoe. CDB President, Dr. Compton Bourne, will give welcome remarks The Bank hopes that policymakers, scholars, business people and international development partners, will find much value and usefulness in this publication.