
Assistance for Anguilla

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NO. 28/08-BDOctober 30, 2008 CDB TO ASSIST ANGUILLA WITH A FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR A HOSPITALITY TRAINING INSTITUTE The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) will provide a loan equivalent to USD270,000 and a grant of USD120,000 to the Government of Anguilla, to assist with financing consultancy services to look at the feasibility of offering hospitality education and training. The consultancy will include a feasibility study for setting up a hospitality training institute, as well as the development of architectural and engineering drawings and cost estimates for the intended facility. The establishment of a hospitality training institute in Anguilla will benefit graduates of secondary education institutions, employees and employers in the Tourism sector, as well as unemployed persons who wish to access hospitality training for professional advancement. The Tourism sector dominates economic activity in Anguilla, and accounts for over one-third of overall gross domestic product. The sector has experienced considerable growth over the last three years, and the pace of expansion has increased the demand for skilled labour.

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