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52nd Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors

Jan 6, 2022

52nd Annual Meeting


The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Caribbean Development Bank will take place June 1-16, 2022. The Annual Meeting will bring together the Bank’s highest decision- making body to discuss key development challenges facing the Region and innovative solutions. The Meeting will be held under the chairmanship of the Honourable Charles Washington Misick, Premier of TCI and CDB Governor for the British Overseas Territories.

The theme of this year’s Meeting is “Measure Better to Target Better: Adaptation and Resilience”, reflecting the Bank’s thrust to promote greater use of knowledge-based decision-making to anticipate and address the Region’s economic and environmental challenges. The schedule of events has been designed to span the gamut of sustainable development.

Governors' Statement (written)

Governors' Statements

Statement by The Temporary Alternate Governor for the People’s Republic of China, Mr. Sun Ping
Statement by Colombia delivered by the Temporary Alternate Governor, Mrs Karen Rodríguez
Statement by Saint Lucia delivered by Prime Minister, Hon. Philip J. Pierre
Statement by the United Kingdom delivered by the Alternate Governor, The Honourable Vicky Ford, MP

Watch Recordings

Closing Ceremony of the 52nd Annual Meeting
Measuring Vulnerability and Resilience for Small States: The Recovery Duration Adjuster
Opening Ceremony of the 52nd Annual Meeting
22nd William G. Demas Memorial Lecture
Budgeting for Sustainable Development
Interview with Dr. Akinwumi Adesina, President, African Development Bank
President's Chat: Innovative Financing for Sustainable Development
Youth Leaders Forum: Caribbean Youth for Innovation and Resilience (Youth FIRE)
What Do the Global Sustainable Development and Net-Zero Agendas Mean for Caribbean Energy Transition
Regional Food Security: Streamlining Logistics To Bring Products To Market



Programme of Events

Virtual Events
June 1 – 9, 2022




Wednesday June 1

10:00 a.m.


Regional Food Security: Streamlining Logistics To Bring Products To Market

Friday June 3

10:00 a.m.


What Do the Global Sustainable Development and Net-Zero Agendas Mean for Caribbean Energy Transition?

Tuesday June 7

10:00 a.m.

Caribbean Youth for Innovation and Resilience (Youth FIRE) Forum

Thursday June 9

10:00 a.m.

President’s Chat Series

Innovative Financing for Sustainable Development: What Can MDBs Do?

Featuring: Presidents of the African Development Bank, Caribbean Development Bank, European Investment Bank and Inter-American Development Bank.


Turks and Caicos Islands
June 13-16, 2022




Tuesday June 14

2:30 p.m.


Budgeting for Sustainable Development

7:30 p.m.

22nd William G. Demas Memorial Lecture

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Akinwumi Adesina,
President, African Development Bank

Wednesday June 15

9:30 a.m.

Opening Ceremony of the Annual Meeting

- Remarks by Governors

- Remarks by the Chairman of the Board of Governors

- Address by the President

- Statements by Governors

3:00 p.m.


Measuring Vulnerability and Resilience for Small States: The Recovery Duration Adjuster

Thursday June 16

11:45 a.m.

Closing Ceremony

12:45 p.m.

Media Conference

8:00 p.m. Recognition and Awards Presentation 


This schedule will be updated periodically.

Road to TCI Video Series

The Decade for Action: The Caribbean and the Drive to Net Zero
Road to TCI: Resilient Infrastructure
CDB Supports Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Volcano Recovery
The Recovery Duration Adjuster
Interview with TCI Premier, the Honourable Charles Washington Misick
Road to TCI: Investing in Youth
Sustainable Tourism in TCI
52nd Annual Meeting Promo

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