The Co-operative Republic of Guyana, is the only nation state of the Commonwealth of Nations on the mainland of South America. Bordering the North Atlantic Ocean, between Suriname and Venezuela, it is the third-smallest country in South America and contains some of the largest unspoiled rainforests on the continent. Guyana is a founding member of the Bank.

Capital City
Guyanese Dollar (GYD)
% of shares
3.72 (as of December 31, 2023)
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By the Numbers

Last Updated - 30/12/2024
Distribution of Loans, Contingent Loans, Equity and Grants Approved (NET) by Sector (1982 - 2024)
Total approvals (1982 - 2024) ($'000)


Approval Of Loans, Contingent Loans, Equity and Grants (NET) (2019 - 2024 YTD)


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