Procedures for Dealing with Fraud and Corruption in CDB-financed Projects
Procedures for Dealing with Fraud and Corruption in CDB-financed Projects
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Table of contents

Executive Summary

  1. Introduction
  2. Definitions
  3. Prevention and Detection of Prohibited Practices
  4. Procurement Review Committee
  5. Investigation and Sanction of Prohibited Practices
  6. Appeals
  7. Duty to Report- Protection for Whistleblowers and Awareness
  8. Confidentiality
  9. Audit
  10. Implementation


  1. Measures for Prevention of Prohibited Practices in the Bank’s Project Procurement Processes
  2. Red Flags Identifying Common Prohibited Practices in procurement
  3. Examples of Procurement-Related Conduct which may not necessarily be Prohibited Practices
  4. Procurement Review Committee - Terms of Reference