Personal Data Privacy Policy

This Policy sets forth the rules and principles governing the Processing of Personal Data by the Caribbean Development Bank (“CDB” or “the Bank”). Its purpose is to ensure that CDB Processes Personal Data in a way that is consistent with recognized international standards for the Processing of Personal Data.

Table of contents

Article I - General Provisions

  • Section 1.01 - Purpose
  • Section 1.02 - Rationale
  • Section 1.03 - Definitions

Article II - Key Principles

  • Section 2.01 - Principles 

Article III - Privileges and Immunities

  • Section 3.01 - Privileges and Immunities

Article IV - Oversight and Implementation

  • Section 4.01 -Oversight
  • Section 4.02 - Implementation
  • Section 4.03 - Implementing Procedures

Article V - Review

  • Section 5.01 - Review

Article VII - Application and Effective Date

  • Section 6.01 - Date of Application
  • Section 6.02 - Application