Disaster Management Strategy and Operational Guidelines 2021

The main purpose of DiMSOG 2021 is to provide clarity to the BMCs on the scope and nature of CDB’s DRM interventions and strategic direction and operational guidance for CDB staff. The Strategy incorporates lessons learnt from recent revisions of DRM policy, strategies and practices of Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) and development partners; the independent evaluation of DiMSOG 2009 conducted in 2018 by the Office of Independent Evaluation (OIE); the new developments in DRM policies and changing international and regional frameworks for DRM; and the combined professional experience of CDB, its BMCs and its development partners. 


Table of contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Strategy
  4. Operational Guidelines for Support to Borrowing Member Countries


  1. Disaster Risk Management Approvals for The Period 2009-2019 

  2. Results Monitoring Framework 

  3. Listing of Instruments, Funding Availability and Eligibility Criteria 

  4. Proactive Assistance for Disaster Risk Management: Template for Request for Proactive Assistance in Disaster Risk Reduction 

  5. Regional Emergency Relief Assistance Programme: List of Items for Emergency Relief Assistance to be stored in Sub-Regional Warehouses 

  6. Immediate Response Loan: List of Works and Consultancy Services for Inclusion in Immediate Response Loans 

  7. Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Loan: Template for Staff Report