This Code of Conduct (the Code) is intended to provide members of staff with a clear understanding of the standards of conduct expectedof them in the discharge of the work of the Bank. The Code contains core values, specific rules of conduct and procedures for addressingbreaches of the Code. Core values are guiding principles intended to inform the behaviour of members of staff. The specific rules ofconduct define the limits of acceptable conduct. Specifically the Codeseeks to promote:
- honesty, integrity, transparency and mutual respect, including the fair, ethical and transparent handling of alleged breaches of such principles;
- confidentiality, and full, fair, accurate and timely disclosure;
- accountability for one’s actions; and
- compliance with the Bank’s Charter, the Headquarters Agreement, applicable laws, rules, regulations, policies and acceptable corporate norms of behaviour.
Part I- General
1. Application
2. Interpretation
3. Guiding Principles
Part II- Standards Of Conduct
4. General Responsibility Of Bank And Staff
5. Management/Staff Relations
6. Workplace
7. Maintenance Of Bank Records
8. Proprietary And Confidential Information
9. Fraudulent Acts
10. Attire
11. Client Relations
12. Conflict Of Interest
13. Gifts And Favours
14. Political Activity
15. Compliance With Laws
Part III- Complaints
16. Application Of Part III
17. Interpretation
18. Forms Of Disciplinary Action
19. Determination Of Complaints
20. Review Of Determinations/Decisions
PART IV- Miscellaneous
21. Miscellaneous
22. Directives And Guidelines